Welcome to NET - an interactive dance performance where you hold the reins

In NET, a web moves in and sprawls across the room. Accompanied by three dancers, we will unravel the performance, as a choreographic kaleidoscope unfolds. Together, we get lost in an undulating landscape of 192 elastic squares, which, with dance as a motor, opens doors to new spaces where our imagination can proliferate. Through catchy beats and melodic loops, we build a shared aesthetic experience together.

In contrast to contemporary ideas of identity, autonomy, and independence, NET invites you to dance by allowing you to be a link in the chain, a thread in the web, or an atom in the molecule. With speculative curiosity, we get to experience ourselves as parts of new configurations in constant transformation. Could this be a world where singing cats appear, and pixelated avatars dance in a pyramid?

NET is created specifically for a gym hall context and is aimed at children between 5-9 years of age.

Concept & choreography: OR/ELLER - Anja Arnquist, Madeleine Lindh
Dancers: Elinor Tollerz Bratteby, Rebecka Berchtold, Karin Bergman, Matilda Billberg and Liv Mikaela Sanz
Set design: OR/ELLER in collaboration with Naemi Gustavsson
Music: William Rickman
Costume: Naemi Gustavsson
Graphics, illustration: Agnes Florin
Production: OR/ELLER & Nordberg Movement
Co-production: Dansehallerne Copenhagen and Norrlandsoperan, Umeå
In collaboration with Dansens Hus, Stockholm
With support from: The city of Stockholm, The Swedish Arts Council, The Swedish Arts Grants Committee, Augustinus Fonden and Statens Kunstfond

The performance is ca 60 min, including an introduction and a post-show talk.
The performance is presented for children in primary school and kindergarten as well as in theaters for mixed audiences.

Since 2018, OR/ELLER has cultivated an interest in interactive performance formats (WEB 2018 and V 2020), within a series called the WEB-series. The series is based on a choreographic and scenographic concept, which will result in four performances. In 2023, the third part, NET, will be created, diving into a mobile performance format. Unlike our previous visually powerful stage performances, with extensive set designs, this performance will move into the children's school environment as well as other types of rooms.

On tour in Denmark: through the KORA network 2023-2025
Premiere in Sweden: October 2023, Dansens Hus, Stockholm