OR/ELLER Anja Arnquist/Madeleine Lindh


OR/ELLER is a we-formation, consisting of two voices, operating within a constructed subject. The name OR/ELLER is a reminder of the inherent ambiguity of dance and a hint towards their artistry pointing in several different directions concurrently. Since 2018, Anja Arnquist and Madeleine Lindh are running OR/ELLER, consistently insisting on keeping one foot in the room for performing arts for children and young people, and one foot in the room for performing arts for an adult audience.

OR/ELLER works with a signature of optimism, femininity and an unceasing interest in the craft of dancing. Through their long term movement-research, they allow a specific and multi-articulated physicality to fuel their linguistics and their aesthetic approach. In the exploration of what movement is able to convey, they construct their concepts, where choreography and scenography often emerge as interwoven traces.

OR/ELLER has so far collaborated with and presented their performances at venues such as Dansens Hus in Stockholm, Dansinitiativet, Stadsteatern Skärholmen, on tour with Norrdans, Dalateatern, Sara Kulturhus, MDT Moderna Dansteatern, NorrlandsOperan, Dansehallerne/KORA (DK), and through platforms such as Swedstage, Cinars (CA), Dansnät Sverige, and Dansmässan. Since 2019, OR/ELLER has repeatedly presented its performances for children and young people in Stockholm through the DANSiSTAN/CIRKUSiSTAN program.

Starting in March 2025, Anja Arnquist will be on leave from OR/ELLER to take on the role of Artistic Director for Dance at NorrlandsOperan in Umeå.

For the work on the production Yonder, which OR/ELLER is choreographing for Riksteatern and Scenkonst Sörmland, Anja Arnquist will return to her duties.

Photo: Klara G